
Photo Credit: Mikala Gallo

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Welcome everyone!

Photo Credit:Mikala Gallo
I’ve created this blog because music moves me, but it not only moves me in the motion people call dance. The rhythm seeps into my soul and lives there. It crawls around in my mind and soothes me when I’m stressed. The sound fills the air and I inhale it like oxygen, letting it soak into my lungs. Music is something that I feel can bring people together, and create friendships. I didn’t just create this because I’m touched by music; I know there are others out there who feel this deep connections well. What I hope to share is how music can create a secluded world for the psych and also stimulate the brains awareness. I anticipate showing you musicians who have impacted my life positively and have created methods of remedies for me. Music not only is a sound, but a relaxer, a cure, and even a form of therapy. One may physically play an instrument, sing, and create sounds, or just simply listen to music; whichever method one chooses, it can be used as a stress reliever. 

Music is in our lives daily, playing at gatherings, used in commercials, movies, school dances, restaurants, and stores. We are constantly surrounded by music, but do we ever notice the melodies and the meaning behind them? Everyone has a different preference. The music that moves me is the music I want to share on my blog. Some may not enjoy the music I put on my blog, which is completely fine. The music player can be paused, or switched to different songs. I took all of the photographs posted on my blog except for the album cover photo. 

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